Monday 23 March 2009

For ages...

It does seem like that, and indeed, looking at the last blog it absolutely was.

Things rarely seem to change though. I am now running a department in the South West and having the same problems as before; we simply cannot recruit. We have been through several rounds again of trying but to no avail. You would be thinking that in this climate there would be a plethora of people looking for work but alas no, it seems not. I do think that a lot of companies are surviving (just, by the sounds of some of the stories) so are not quite yet ready to relieve the kneecaps or the back.

I also think the next academic year is going to be tough on colleges though. How many people out there are taking on apprentices? Early indications are of course, none.

I guess the proof will be in the proverbial pudding!

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