Friday 25 January 2008

Yet another age passes

I was reminded about this blog yesterday by one of my students. I intended for it to be some sort of foil to get things off my chest but things have been so disgustingly busy lately I haven't even had time to think about writing stuff down.

It's a crazy situation really, we are still very short staffed, we cannot persuade anybody to come and teach, it's a ridiculous situation to be in and there seems to be no immediate end to it all. On top of this they are bringing a new department manager in and introducing a payscale that seems to discriminate against vocational lecturers. Morale is rock bottom which I suppose doesn't help.

I still get lots of interest through my electrical qualifications website which seems to keep me going but it's a fight and a half to remain upbeat. Maybe my next blog will be sooner than the last and slightly more positive.

Now where did I put that beer...


Drog said...

You Are not alone!

Your entire blog has been refreshing, and all the comments and musings you have made are spot on.

I hold a similar position to you and the same workloads, demands and lack of recognition is rife were I am to. Restructure every 2 years (apply for your job again), no staff and no new blood even half decent taking up jobs in teaching, I have been and continue to go through it….believe me. I have assessors who are assessing students who in some cases are earning more than the assessor!!!!.

What you are doing is great, and I, like you, spend many along hour, developing comprehensive delivery materials, improving the quality of what we do, striving to make the teaching and learning experience for our industry something to be proud of.

The website you have established is a great contribution to our industry, and has prime place on our VLE and on the small information site I use to manage additional content for my students (to circumvent the poor excuse for a VLE we use).

Sam said...

Many thanks for your kind comments. It's certainly a hell of a game to be in and I suspect there is a rapidly diminshing core of people that truly care any more, the colleges are making sure of that with things you mention like restructuring, payscales and the like.

Keep up the good work, glad you find the site useful.